Patricia Ticineto Clough
Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, Queens College and Graduate Center
Patricia Ticineto Clough is professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies at the Graduate Center and Queens College of the City University of New York. She is author of Autoaffection: Unconscious Thought in the Age of Teletechnology (2000); Feminist Thought: Desire, Power and Academic Discourse (1994) and The End(s) of Ethnography: From Realism to Social Criticism (1998). She is editor of The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social (2007), a collection of essays by Sociology graduate students drawn from the dissertations. Clough’s work draws on theoretical traditions concerned with technology, new media, affect, the unconscious, timespace and political economy. She is currently working on Ecstatic Corona an ethnographic, historical research and experimental writing project about where she grew up in Corona Queens New York . Clough is joined by students at Queens College who also are doing work on where they live in Queens and what parts of the world they or their families come from.
As the former director of the Center for the Study of Women and Society, Clough co directed a four year, Rockefeller Foundation funded seminar titled: Facing Global Capital, Finding Human Security: A Gendered Critique The seminar brought together faculty and graduate students with researchers, activists, policymakers, and fellows from diverse parts of the world to develop a gendered, critical human security framework . Over the time of this project, the goal was to promote new thinking and action in relation to war, (counter)terrorism, human security and human rights through a comparative analysis. She also received a grant to bring the College and Community Fellowship to the Graduate Center. This is a program for formerly incarcerated men and women assisting them in completing their higher education and engaging them in political leadership. Together with members of CCF, Clough has published a critique of the reentry programs for formerly incarcerated persons. Adjunct to CCF Clough established the Conviction Seminar with graduate students and faculty to consider the wide ranging effects of securitization and mass incarceration on the relationship of governance and economy in the early 21st. century.